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The greatest charity, Cancer Research UK.

Losing both of my parents to the awful disease has stirred a need to do something, my life is passing me by and I want to leave a legacy not only for me but to remember my parents and all the other people that cancer has affected. Irene and John Howard were, apart from great parents, they were my inspiration to write and become what I am today. The need to repay them for what they have done is great, but alas, impossible, as they are no longer with us. So I have decided what great a tribute but to give all of my profit from the sale of my first novel,Cure, to a charity. The charity I chose is Cancer Research UK, how fitting that my book is about a young female scientist that is about to discover a lot more than she bargained for! Cancer is the scourge plague of humanity and one of the commonest causes of mortality that we have no full answer for (yet!), it is my aim and the aim of Cancer Research UK to alter this. With your support we shall crack this disease and end the suffering it brings to the many affected. The photograph below is of my Dad, John Howard, talking to his old friend, Pete, at RTT Motorcycles, Hoyland, only weeks before he left this world. It is for him, my Mum and everyone that has suffered with cancer that my book shall be a tribute to, and hopefully help find the CURE.

God bless you dad x

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