Websites are retained to country domains, in other words, If you live in the US you will see US websites hence while living in the UK you will see mainly UK sites. This makes it difficult for PC users to see reviews on foreign websites even though they are in the same language. My first book, Cure, a best seller in the UK isn't well read in the USA due to social media in the UK not offered in the US search engines. This limits, not only writers, but even pop stars like Little-Mix, well known and loved in the UK but only just breaking State side of the pond. My Amazon UK reviews have driven me to write a second novel, Fuel (to be published hopefully in May 2019) and these reviews are what help sell a great thriller. Without these reviews on the Amazon US website, readers will never know what they are missing out on and the writer will have a lower rate of book sales thus lowering Amazon profits, Author income and readers pleasure; Or in the case of Little-Mix, listeners pleasure.